Celestion H1SC-8050 / Denovo DW-7ES

Manufacturers Info

Brand: Celestion

Model: H1SC-8050

Style: Exponential

Coverage (H x V): 80 x 50

Minimum Frequency: 900 Hz

Throat: 1"

Mounting Type: 1-3/8"-18 TPI

Dimensions: 7" W x 7" H x 3.6" D

Additional Notes:

Original horn tested was the Denovo DW-7ES but after purchasing the Celestion H1SC-8050 I found they are identical.


Test Notes: Off axis and polars measured using a Celestion CDX1-1731

Mic distance 1m, measurements gated at 5ms and are smoothed at 1/48 Octave.



Raw Horizontal Off Axis Response

Raw Vertical Off Axis Response

Horizontal Off Axis Response - Normalized to On Axis

Vertical Off Axis Response - Normalized to On Axis

Horizontal Polar Response - Normalized to On Axis

-6dB Coverage Angle Highlighted

Vertical Polar Response - Normalized to On Axis

-6dB Coverage Angle Highlighted

Final Notes:

Dispersion pattern of this waveguide appears to be roughly 80 H x 60 V. Very consistent directivity control over most of the usable range and top end with gentle widening of the pattern towards the bottom. Generally smooth frequency response as well.